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Services I Offer

Online Therapy

If you are looking for a reliable, secure and easy to use system, you can book a course of online sessions. Research evidence supports the effectiveness of online therapy, showing it is as effective as face to face treatment for mental health difficulties. I can help dealing with (anxiety, depression, PTSD), as well as lifestyle issues, like divorce and stress, or difficulties related to trauma, life changes situations or simply to make sense of your life. Contact me for an informal assessment online.

Nurse Checking Girl

Cognitive Analytical Therapy (CAT)

CAT is a collaborative form of psychological therapy which aims to understand and improve a person's self-limiting patterns. From this understanding, one is able to improve their way of relating to others and the way that they behave.

During the first part of therapy, client and therapist attempt to get an overview of the client’s presenting problems in the context of their early history and this leads to a formulation and sharing with the client of the patterns that maintain their difficulties.

During the second part of the therapy, the emphasis is placed on revising problematic patterns to enable the individual to lead a more fulfilling and enjoyable life

Systemic Counselling

The systemic approach focuses on the way people develop their stories about themselves, other people and the way they should live their lives.

Such stories may originate from their family and/or from their culture. These can have a significant, and at times damaging effect upon themselves and their relationships. Systemic counselling helps people develop a set of alternatives, and more helpful stories so that they feel stronger and more able to make conscious choices in their lives. 

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